Refunding Home Loan Insurance

We specialize in recovering funds from mis-sold insurance, irresponsible lending, and excessive superannuation fees.

Here’s how it works:

✓ We review your information.
✓ We handle the claim submission for you.
✓ You receive your compensation!

What is Home Loan Insurance?

Home loan insurance provides coverage to settle outstanding loan amounts with the bank or lender in certain unforeseen circumstances. Some policies extend coverage to the applicant, the house, and its contents. Additionally, premiums paid toward this insurance may qualify for tax benefits.

Typically obtained at the time of securing the loan, home loan insurance is offered by the financial institution providing the financing and is often bundled with the loan itself.

While acquiring this insurance is advisable, it’s sometimes imposed as a mandatory component of your home loan. However, it’s important to note that there are no regulations requiring loans to include insurance. Therefore, it’s crucial to select a suitable scheme that may not necessarily be the one offered by the salesperson

Why Was Home Loan Insurance Purchased?

Home loan insurance serves as a safeguard for borrowers in times of financial hardship, such as the inability to meet debt obligations due to circumstances like the borrower’s death or job loss. Customers can choose from standard plans or those with additional features for comprehensive coverage. This insurance holds significant importance for borrowers, ensuring that their dependents do not face the risk of losing their home during crises or in the event of the borrower’s absence.

Similar to term insurance, home loan insurance provides coverage for the duration of the loan repayment period. Once the outstanding loan amounts are settled, the insurance coverage ceases. However, in the unfortunate event of the borrower’s demise during the loan term, their family can make a claim on the insurance to repay the outstanding amount, preventing the bank from seizing the house or other collateral assets.

Furthermore, most home loan insurance plans offer diminishing coverage, wherein the insured amount decreases in line with the reduction of the outstanding home loan balance as the borrower repays the loan. The insurance company directly disburses payments to the lender or bank to settle the outstanding loan amounts.

In contrast, the coverage remains consistent with term insurance. In the case of term insurance schemes, the insured assets are passed on to the individual capable of making payments to the bank or lender for loan repayment purposes.

Instances of Improperly Sold Home Loan Insurance

Numerous instances of mis-sold home loan insurance have rendered borrowers eligible for refunds. Here are some prevalent examples:

  • Inadequately explained policies – Borrowers weren’t provided with comprehensive explanations of their insurance plans, resulting in a lack of understanding about their commitments.
  • Sales to ineligible individuals – Financial institutions sold home loan insurance to individuals who were ineligible, such as self-employed individuals or those with pre-existing medical conditions, leading to instances where claims were denied when needed.
  • High commissions – Many cases of mis-selling involve lenders receiving significant commissions on their insurance products. If borrowers were unaware that a substantial portion of their insurance premiums went towards commissions, they may be entitled to compensation.
  • False beliefs – Salespersons may have misrepresented the necessity of insurance, falsely claiming it was mandatory or that it increased the likelihood of loan approval, thereby persuading borrowers to purchase insurance under false pretenses.

Frequently Ask Questions

Is lender's mortgage insurance the same as mortgage protection insurance?

No, they are different types of insurance. Lenders mortgage insurance (LMI) is required when a borrower does not have a home loan deposit of 20% or higher. Lenders view borrowers with smaller deposits as higher risk, and LMI protects the lender in case the borrower defaults on their repayments.

On the other hand, mortgage protection insurance is an optional insurance that borrowers can purchase when applying for a home loan. This insurance provides coverage to borrowers by helping cover the cost of their repayments if they are unable to meet them due to certain circumstances.

How long do you pay mortgage protection insurance for?

This will depend on the terms of your policy. Mortgage protection insurance can range from anywhere between three months to three years.

Can mortgage protection insurance premiums be claimed as tax deductions?

No, in general, mortgage protection insurance premiums are not tax deductible.

Can I receive a refund for my mortgage protection insurance?

es, if you suspect that your home loan insurance was sold to you under false pretenses, you may qualify for a refund. Here are some common scenarios where this could apply:

  1. You were initially ineligible for the product due to factors such as your employment status or a pre-existing medical condition.
  2. The policy was inadequately explained to you, leaving you unaware of its terms and conditions.
  3. You were misled into believing that purchasing the policy was mandatory to secure a home loan.

What occurs with LMI if you decide to refinance your home loan?

In the event of refinancing your home loan, you might need to pay LMI again if your deposit remains below 20%.

Is it possible to obtain a refund for LMI?

LMI is generally considered a non-refundable payment when securing a mortgage. However, there are circumstances where a borrower may qualify for a partial refund of their LMI home loan insurance, as these policies are customized for each individual borrower

Is home loan insurance refundable?

You might be eligible for a refund if you’ve been sold home loan insurance. Common reasons for obtaining a refund include:

  • Inadequate explanation of the policy and its terms and conditions
  • Ineligibility for the policy at the time of purchase
  • Lack of disclosure that the policy is not mandatory for the loan

How can I request a refund for my loan insurance?

Refundify makes the process of claiming a loan insurance refund simple. As experts in reclaiming money for mis-sold insurance, we’re here to assist you. To begin, just fill out our online form. Once we’ve reviewed your application, we’ll proceed to submit your claim. Following that, we’ll reach out to you to confirm the details before issuing your refund.

What occurs when you cancel home loan insurance?

You have the freedom to cancel your home loan insurance at any point. To initiate the cancellation of your policy, you should reach out to your lender directly. If you suspect that you were sold the insurance policy under false pretenses and wish to pursue a refund for the premiums you’ve paid, simply contact the team at Get My Refund — we’ll handle the entire process on your behalf.

How long is the cancellation period for home loan insurance?

You have the flexibility to cancel your home loan insurance policy at any time during the term of the loan. At Get My Refund, we’re here to assist you in obtaining a refund for any premiums already paid on your policy, whether they relate to your current or past loans.

Can I request a refund for my home loan insurance?

Absolutely. If you believe you were sold home loan insurance under false pretenses, you have the option to apply for a refund of your premiums. There are various reasons why you might seek to reclaim previously paid insurance premiums, and at Get My Refund, we manage the entire refund process on your behalf.


Authentic Individuals, Genuine Refunds

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